What Stephen Colbert got wrong about the opioid crisis.

It’s funny how the same old hysterical drug myths refuse to die. Back in 1992 former editor of the Journal Addiction Research & Theory John Booth Davies described the persistent tale of pushers and helpless addicts: “At the present moment, the standard line taken by a majority of people in the media, in treatment agencies,… Continue reading What Stephen Colbert got wrong about the opioid crisis.

Essential Reading List for the Truth about Addiction, Alcohol, and other Drugs

The hysteria and myths about alcohol, other drugs, and addiction runs deep in American culture – and I believe it is causing us to have more problems with alcohol and other drugs. The more people learn the truth, the more we can create a cultural shift that decreases these problems. The following is my study… Continue reading Essential Reading List for the Truth about Addiction, Alcohol, and other Drugs

The Business of Recovery… and Abandoned Storylines

I had the opportunity to see a screening of The Business of Recovery in NYC last month. Here is my extremely brief review and recommendation, followed by a lengthier criticism. The Business Of Recovery was a high quality production. It covered several topics in ways that we don’t normally see in most mainstream reports about the treatment… Continue reading The Business of Recovery… and Abandoned Storylines