The Facts: buprenorphine treatment for Opioid Use Disorder is widespread.

The number of Americans who fit the diagnosis for a heroin/opioid addiction (Opioid Use Disorder or OUD) is currently 2 million (most recent data available is from 2018). It has hovered around this number for a long time, with a low of 1.7 million in 2002, and a high of almost 2.4 million in 2015.… Continue reading The Facts: buprenorphine treatment for Opioid Use Disorder is widespread.

NPR accidentally reveals the disgusting truth about the disease model of addiction

“But then, the more I think about it [getting off the drugs], it scares the hell out of me,” he says. “I’m scared of going backward. I honestly don’t know what would happen.”

That’s a fear voiced by many of the growing number of Americans who have come to see their addiction as a chronic disease, a condition they may have to live with — and need treatment for — for many years.

The Business of Recovery… and Abandoned Storylines

I had the opportunity to see a screening of The Business of Recovery in NYC last month. Here is my extremely brief review and recommendation, followed by a lengthier criticism. The Business Of Recovery was a high quality production. It covered several topics in ways that we don’t normally see in most mainstream reports about the treatment… Continue reading The Business of Recovery… and Abandoned Storylines