PARENTS – You’re Not Training Animals!

How should you feel about yourself if your child develops an “addiction?”  Should you be ashamed that you did a poor job as a parent?  Someone recently asked philosopher Leonard Peikoff a similar question, to which he brilliantly replied “you’re not training an animal.” What he meant by this statement is very simple and straightforward… Continue reading PARENTS – You’re Not Training Animals!

Yes, Your Dad Chose To Be A Jerk.

Who would choose addiction?  No one would.  People don’t make bad choices.  They always act completely rationally. If you believe this, then you probably believe the disease theory – which rests on the premise that if a behavior is self-destructive, then it must be involuntary.  Gene Heyman astutely identifies this premise in his groundbreaking book… Continue reading Yes, Your Dad Chose To Be A Jerk.