Food Addiction = Drug Addiction, and Vice Versa

Overeating is like drug addiction, and drug addiction is like overeating. That’s the message in a recent story from NPR where they quote a Yale scientist who says
“The motivation to take cocaine in the case of a drug addict is probably engaging similar circuits that the motivation to eat is in a hungry person.” Well, why would you think the two behaviors were that different in the first place?

Tax dollars thrown away on pointless animal experiments

I don’t often find myself siding with PETA, but they bring up an important point: “it is especially egregious that experimenters are trying to use animals to model addiction, which is in large part caused by social, psychological and even economic factors. Studies on animals can’t resolve these issues.” Read more here: Tax dollars thrown… Continue reading Tax dollars thrown away on pointless animal experiments

Addiction: A Disorder of Choice

There’s a great interview with Gene Heyman, the author of Addiction: A Disorder of Choice available on NPR follow this link to listen to it, and learn about Heyman’s extremely important work: Another guest on the show, Hazelden’s Marvin Seppala, went on and on about research done on rats, a practice which I found… Continue reading Addiction: A Disorder of Choice

PARENTS – You’re Not Training Animals!

How should you feel about yourself if your child develops an “addiction?”  Should you be ashamed that you did a poor job as a parent?  Someone recently asked philosopher Leonard Peikoff a similar question, to which he brilliantly replied “you’re not training an animal.” What he meant by this statement is very simple and straightforward… Continue reading PARENTS – You’re Not Training Animals!