What Stephen Colbert got wrong about the opioid crisis.

It’s funny how the same old hysterical drug myths refuse to die. Back in 1992 former editor of the Journal Addiction Research & Theory John Booth Davies described the persistent tale of pushers and helpless addicts: “At the present moment, the standard line taken by a majority of people in the media, in treatment agencies,… Continue reading What Stephen Colbert got wrong about the opioid crisis.

How many people recover from heroin / opioid addiction?

They say recovery from opioid addiction is impossible, but it’s not. 96% of people have gotten over their opioid addictions historically. Most people would have you believe that nobody ever gets over an opioid addiction. In fact, some of the nation’s most influential authorities on addiction are now saying that anyone who’s ever had an… Continue reading How many people recover from heroin / opioid addiction?

Your heroin / prescription opioid addict origin story is holding you back. Let it go.

I was at my hometown bus station a few nights ago, in Springfield Massachusetts – the town where I spent the bulk of my time as a heroin “addict.” A young girl – let’s call her Jennifer – started chatting me up, and although she was well put together, I could tell from the look… Continue reading Your heroin / prescription opioid addict origin story is holding you back. Let it go.

Bassist Flea “recovered” from heroin “addiction” without treatment or 12 steps

Flea, the legendary bassist for The Red Hot Chili Peppers, wrote an interesting essay on addiction for Time Magazine. It tells both his own experience of getting over his drug problems without professional help, and his own ideas about addiction. He has a lot of great things to say, but like so much of what… Continue reading Bassist Flea “recovered” from heroin “addiction” without treatment or 12 steps

21 Things Obama and Macklemore got wrong about addiction

I almost died of a misinformation overdose watching President Obama and rapper Macklemore talk about addiction yesterday. Luckily though, I had some Narcan-for-myths handy: the knowledge I gained from studying drugs and addiction for over a decade now. President Obama’s Weekly Address was filled with misinformation. I counted 21 false statements in all. In fact the myths only… Continue reading 21 Things Obama and Macklemore got wrong about addiction