Surviving Straight Inc, a Controlling Approach To Addiction Treatment Brings Disastrous Consequences

Straight Inc is one horrific example of what a controlling approach to rehabilitation results in: physical and psychological abuse. A new documentary uses survivor stories to bring you into the world of Straight Inc. Explore the “control model” approach to addiction treatment. We contrast the effects of a control model approach and efforts at self-change through personal stories of a Straight Inc victim and his younger sister.

Charlie Sheen Turns On The Cult – And Feels The Wrath of Alcoholics Anonymous

When Charlie Sheen said that AA was a cult, he was right. Two and a Half Men creator Chuck Lorre has cancelled production of the show because Charlie denounced AA, and it’s teachings. Why would he do this when he’s continued production in the past when Charlie went through rougher incidents? Because Charlie was in AA back then – but now that he’s left the cult, he needs to be punished.