Sleazy Tactics Used To Full Dramatic Effect in Kevin McCauley’s ‘Pleasure Unwoven’: The Choice Argument

Pleasure Unwoven is a slickly scripted and produced educational DVD presumably marketed to rehabs.  I can picture a room full of rehab patients being forced to watch it right now – but hey, it’s probably better than watching videos of that priest with a chalkboard from Hazelden.  I’ve digressed though – the website for Pleasure… Continue reading Sleazy Tactics Used To Full Dramatic Effect in Kevin McCauley’s ‘Pleasure Unwoven’: The Choice Argument

Backwards-Land: The Revelation of “Rewards”

The addiction experts have finally begun to admit the real meaning of their theories – that addiction is about competing rewards – immediate versus delayed long-term gratification. If this is what it’s all about, then it’s clearly quite idiotic to insist that addiction and alcoholism are diseases. Indeed, if we accept this logic, then we’re all born diseased and nearly every bad decision is the result of a disease. Addiction is a choice.