Surviving Straight Inc, a Controlling Approach To Addiction Treatment Brings Disastrous Consequences

Straight Inc is one horrific example of what a controlling approach to rehabilitation results in: physical and psychological abuse. A new documentary uses survivor stories to bring you into the world of Straight Inc. Explore the “control model” approach to addiction treatment. We contrast the effects of a control model approach and efforts at self-change through personal stories of a Straight Inc victim and his younger sister.

The Tragedy of Motivational Interviewing


Motivational Interviewing may be the most successful approach the treatment world has for helping people to change their substance use habits – unfortunately the positives are likely outweighed or undone by the conventional treatment approaches with which it is simultaneously delivered.

69.5% of Treatment Revenues Come From Public Funds

Unfortunately, most of the money spent on treatment for drug and alcohol problems comes from the government. This situation props up the false and ineffective disease model favored by government agencies such as the NIDA, and results in worse services for us all. There is no free market competition working to bring better help to people with addiction.

AA is Treatment? The Facts, and some tips for dealing with this harsh reality.

Treatment Sources - NSDUH - 2009

It’s impossible for a rational person to recommend that anyone get treatment for an addiction – because nearly every treatment program involves the faith-healing and dogmatic indoctrination into the self-defeating methods of 12-step groups. See the proof here, and learn some tips for dealing with it.

It’s All Twelve-Step – So Stop Talking About Science Already

Figureheads of the recovery culture claim that treatment uses science to provide solutions for addiction. They also claim that those who question the treatment system stand in the way of science and progress. Meanwhile, the main component of treatment- Substance/Drug Abuse Counseling – is oriented around a form of faith healing: the 12-Steps.