21 Things Obama and Macklemore got wrong about addiction

I almost died of a misinformation overdose watching President Obama and rapper Macklemore talk about addiction yesterday. Luckily though, I had some Narcan-for-myths handy: the knowledge I gained from studying drugs and addiction for over a decade now. President Obama’s Weekly Address was filled with misinformation. I counted 21 false statements in all. In fact the myths only… Continue reading 21 Things Obama and Macklemore got wrong about addiction

Ending Your Desire to Use is a Myth?

One “recovering addict’s” idea of a myth kicks off an important discussion about attitudes towards sobriety. Unfortunately, in the recovery culture, sobriety is seen as a sort of punishment, and they still conceive of the high as a great temptation to be avoided. Meanwhile, many people outgrow such desires by realizing that there are better things in life.

Stop Recovering. Start Living.

I don’t spend a single day worrying about how to get through it without a drink or drug. I don’t spend a single moment thinking about it. I did, back when I was in the recovery culture. But then I started living – I started focusing on building the life I wanted. I haven’t achieved all of my goals, but I’ve stayed free of drug/alcohol use problems for 9 years now, and I’m a heck of a lot happier focusing on all my new interests rather than worrying about struggling with an imaginary disease. I am not “in recovery.” I refuse to struggle like that. I stopped recovering and started living my life.