The Stolen Concept Of Neuroplasticity In The Brain Disease Model Of Addiction

The brain-disease model of addiction destroys itself because it denies the very concept of neuroplasticity on which it is simultaneously built. Drug addiction is not a brain disease, it’s a choice. Learn how the brain disease argument uses the fallacy of the stolen-concept.

Obesity as a Brain Disease

The dimwitted Nora Volkow will eventually destroy her own argument when she declares every unfavorable behavior to be disease. Currently, she’s got her sight set on food addiction; I can’t wait till she takes on things that involve no consumption whatsoever, such as video games. She really misses the point.

Dr Jeffrey Schwartz on OCD and Treating Yourself

I will expand this post in the future to discuss how Dr Schwartz’s ideas are so important to understanding addiction – but for now, trust me, his ideas are important.  He is the leading authority on neuroplasticity and the use of this characteristic of the brain to overcome major life problems.  Watch this video, it… Continue reading Dr Jeffrey Schwartz on OCD and Treating Yourself