Is Addiction A Choice? Harvard’s Gene Heyman Says Yes.

I’ve been citing Heyman’s book, Addiction: A Disorder of Choice, quite a bit.  Here’s a video where you can see him explain some of his insights:

I don’t mean to fawn, but I seriously believe he will be the hero for substance abusers everywhere in the 21st century.  There are plenty of other voices who have done a wonderful job in bringing sanity to the subject of addiction, but Heyman’s work puts together a brilliant model of addiction, it’s backed with evidence throughout, and I have a hard time finding any big stones he’s left unturned.  Furthermore, he presents it in a way that the intellectuals may finally accept, and he’s got the credentials to be taken seriously on a national stage.

In this interview he brings up the important point that unlike real diseases, addiction responds to incentives.

By Steven Slate

Steven Slate has personally taught hundreds of people how to change their substance use habits through choice - while avoiding the harmful recovery culture and disease model of addiction.

1 comment

  1. Thanks for sharing this interview. This is really logic-making stuff for anyone with an open mind, and scary relevant for us all:0)

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