Harm Reduction Radio Interviews Michelle Dunbar on The St Jude CBE Program

Kenneth Anderson of the HAMS Harm Reduction Network has an interesting Blog Talk Radio show which covers a lot of alternative approaches to addiction.  This week, he interviewed Michelle Dunbar, executive director of the Saint Jude Retreats.  She discusses some history of the Saint Jude CBE Program, and discusses the research on success rates.  You can listen to it below, she’s the second guest, so skip ahead to the 30 minute mark if you just want to hear her interview:

Listen to internet radio with Kenneth Anderson on Blog Talk Radio

The Saint Jude CBE Program is what I teach in my Manhattan office.  Learn some more about it here: Cognitive Behavioral Education.

By Steven Slate

Steven Slate has personally taught hundreds of people how to change their substance use habits through choice - while avoiding the harmful recovery culture and disease model of addiction.