The Missing Question about Addiction: Are The Highs of Drugs Really That Good?

There’s one aspect of drug use that goes mostly unquestioned: the pleasure provided by drugs. The reputation of heroin is probably the best example of this. It has this mystique about it that both users and non-users find fascinating. Heroin is believed to be a sort of pandora’s box that you had better not open,… Continue reading The Missing Question about Addiction: Are The Highs of Drugs Really That Good?

Stop Recovering. Start Living.

I don’t spend a single day worrying about how to get through it without a drink or drug. I don’t spend a single moment thinking about it. I did, back when I was in the recovery culture. But then I started living – I started focusing on building the life I wanted. I haven’t achieved all of my goals, but I’ve stayed free of drug/alcohol use problems for 9 years now, and I’m a heck of a lot happier focusing on all my new interests rather than worrying about struggling with an imaginary disease. I am not “in recovery.” I refuse to struggle like that. I stopped recovering and started living my life.


Clinical Psychologist Steve Orma launches a new website focused on dealing with stress.

AA is Treatment? The Facts, and some tips for dealing with this harsh reality.

Treatment Sources - NSDUH - 2009

It’s impossible for a rational person to recommend that anyone get treatment for an addiction – because nearly every treatment program involves the faith-healing and dogmatic indoctrination into the self-defeating methods of 12-step groups. See the proof here, and learn some tips for dealing with it.

Beyond One Day At A Time

There are a few fundamental problems with the thought process of a person who abuses substances, but today, we’ll just be tackling the pattern of short term thinking which is so often at the base of these problems – and how the most common piece of advice doled out in 12-step groups reinforces this negative… Continue reading Beyond One Day At A Time