No Negative New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions are often formed as negatives, form them as positives and they’ll more likely lead to actual change rather than disappointment. It’s easier to build new positive habits than it is to focus on not doing something all the time.

Quick Tip: Explore Your Options

When substance abusers find better options to replace their drug and alcohol use, that’s when they finally escape their addictions for good.

Categorized as Self-Help

Food Addiction = Drug Addiction, and Vice Versa

Overeating is like drug addiction, and drug addiction is like overeating. That’s the message in a recent story from NPR where they quote a Yale scientist who says
“The motivation to take cocaine in the case of a drug addict is probably engaging similar circuits that the motivation to eat is in a hungry person.” Well, why would you think the two behaviors were that different in the first place?

Portugal’s Drug Decriminalization Seems To Be Working

A new study examines the state of addiction in Portugal, and whether their massive decriminalization of drugs in 2001 has helped or hurt.  Maia Szalavitz (one of the best reporters covering addiction news) examines the study in her latest article for Time Magazine which you can read at this link.  Here’s an excerpt: For example,… Continue reading Portugal’s Drug Decriminalization Seems To Be Working